6 Simply Great Reasons You Will Love a Winter Wedding


Winter weddings afford intimacy and closeness better than any other seasonal themed wedding. With the heat of a roaring fire or comfortable venue heating, the winter wedding is a time to get close and share the warmth of love and celebration.


Arriving through the snow in Party Bus Rental VA trusts, guests will love to step out of the comfort and into the cold only to find a warm venue. As snowflakes fall and the shutter snaps you will be afforded the most wonderful photo opportunities on this lovely white evening.

Catering for a winter wedding should be in key with the atmosphere and feature seasonal and traditional soul-warming foods. Just like a holiday celebration, encourage guests to arrive in the party bus Northern VA with homemade foods that they would normally make for celebrations in this season of winter.


The attire to be selected for this cold day should be warm enough to get the guests from the Party bus DC adores to the door, once inside the wedding venue the heat will afford you to shed some layers and show off your fantastic and hard-earned wedding ensembles.

Party Bus DC Rental

There is an elegance and beauty that lies in the snow that seldom occurs in other seasons. Your wedding theme should reflect the light tones and accompany them with complementing shades. Plan attire colors to match the limo and the theme of the wedding will be hard to miss, but naturally comfortable.


With fantastic amenities featured in the venue of choice and fresh warm aromas in the air, it will be hard to deny the greatness of this winter themed wedding. Call us today – (202) 830-0479