A Dude’s Guide to Surviving Prom

I know prom discussions usually focus on a girl’s experience, but prom is a rite of passage for guys, too. And guys have just as much experience with proms as girls. In the past, the pressure was mostly on girls, but as time passes, guys experience more and more pressure about prom. A few tips to keep in mind can help guys navigate prom and relieve much of the stress so that the ride provided by a Party bus rental VA can be filled with anticipation rather than anxiety.
Prom Proposals!

The newest trend in the prom experience is the prom proposal. Historically, guys ask girls to be their dates for the event. I know this is changing with the times, but for the most part, the roles remain. A prom proposal is a dramatically staged request that rivals the complications of some wedding proposals! Guys may use food puns, poses with animals, public signage, among other crazy stunts. That kind of public proposal causes a lot of pressure. What hasn’t been done before? And, what if she says no? The best thing to do is sincerely ask a girl that you genuinely like and skip all the theatrics.
Adequate Planning!

Okay, guys. There are several things you are responsible for. First, you must arrange transportation. Find the best Party bus in Virginia that meets your needs and budget. Pick a corsage. I know that you have no idea how to do this. Go to your date’s mom, and ask her what would be best to match your date’s dress and tastes. Trust me, not only will her mom know what she likes, this also means you go up a notch in the dating approval area. Finally, get fitted for a tuxedo. Make sure you choose one that fits well and that you can afford. That’s it; anything else is gravy.
Think Ahead!

Time for the downer portion of my statement. Prom is a night for rites of passage; drinking and sex frequently accompany plans for prom. Before the night of prom, really consider what you are willing to do. Set your own boundaries beforehand, and make a plan for exit if you find yourself in a situation you shouldn’t be in. One trend these days is for a group to secure a limo service in DC or Virginia. If this is your choice, make sure the group you’re with respects you and your right to hold firm to your boundaries. Additionally, don’t assume sex is a guarantee. Your date isn’t obligated to give it up, and neither are you. Make your own choices, and please don’t do things just to belong!
Guys, I know prom is giving you mad amounts of stress. Please just relax. Make sure you find a good limo service in Maryland, get a decent tux, and do your best with the rest. I realize prom night is unbelievably hyped, but if you have ridiculous expectations, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Have a good time with your friends, and enjoy the night for what it is without all the built-in nonsense that isn’t really true.