How to Come Home to a Relaxing Feng Shui Home After the Wedding


Coming back home after the wedding and honeymoon phases have both passed by can leave some with a peculiar feeling.

So much has happened in the past few weeks, and still even before the wedding there was a long phase of immense planning for the wedding itself. You have entered a new stage of life, and this is the perfect time to perform a little Feng Shu in your home.


Stemming from traditional Chinese customs, Feng Shui is a way to create peace, love, and harmony within your home. This ancient practice is still used today, it’s even highly regarded by many home designers.


The key to Feng Shui is get your home organized like a reputable DC Party Bus Company. The result of Feng Shui is an open home, with free flowing channels, efficient use of space and a peaceful environment.


First, it’s time to declutter. Make it as fun as a Party Bus Rental Baltimore loves. Turn on your favorite music and get rid of anything that you do not need, use, or wear.

DC Party Bus Service

Second take a look at your space. Be open to moving things around, or getting rid of an overtly bulk piece of furniture.


Third, designers will usually draw a quick outline of the room, where things are now and where they can be moved.


Fourth, when moving items, you are trying to create areas without dead space. Imagine a large gust of wind blows through your front door, where would it stop?Identify these areas and try to move items around so that this imaginary gust of wind can access as many areas of the home as possible—without being blocked by furniture that’s above waist high.


When you’re finished you’ll find yourself in a new and relaxed environment and enjoy it as much as our cheap Party Bus Rental Cost. Call us today – (202) 830-0479