Simple Steps to Funding the Wedding of Your Dreams

How to Stop Spending and Start Saving for Your Dream Wedding

Couples typically spend an average of $37,000 dollar on their wedding in Washington, D.C. and roughly $200 to $300 dollars will be spent on a single wedding guest. Yet, some couples spend nearly $37,000 dollars on their ceremony and reception venue alone, so it’s no wonder that couples have been striving to save more money for their dream dress, DC Party Bus Rentals, and an amazing wedding venue.

Trying to find ways to save extra funds for your wedding? Read these tips as practical as a Washington DC Charter Bus on your wedding day!

James W. Frick, former vice president of public relations once said, “Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.”

Priorities are certainly a good place to start when it comes to savingmoney. Take a look at your monthly budget and figure out where your money goes.Convenient stores, cafes, sedan service, a Party Bus DC Rental, a weekly spa treatment?

Take a moment to really assess whether you need all of these things, or if there is anything that you can cut out to save for your big day.

Are your hobbies draining your bank account? Do you grab DC Party Buses every weekend to hang out with friends? Are you buying a new golf club once a week?

Is food the culprit? Many people spend a great deal on lunches throughout the week. Consider packing a lunch for work instead.

Resist the urge to impulse buy. If you think you need something, wait aday or two and see how you feel about it then. DC Charter Bus transportation for guests, and a beautiful venue!

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